The onboarding process plays a major role in shaping the experiences and success of new staff members within an organisation. Effective onboarding not only accelerates their integration but also sets the stage for long-term engagement and productivity. In this article, we will explore best practices for onboarding new staff, with a special focus on the role of Welcome Boxes and Training Plans in creating a seamless and engaging onboarding experience.

Best Practices for Onboarding New Staff:

Preparation and Planning: Begin the onboarding process well before the new employee's start date. Ensure that all necessary paperwork, equipment and resources are ready and waiting for them on day one. This proactive approach eliminates delays and sets a positive tone. Paperwork and form filling can be done prior to the first day – no-one enjoys this aspect so remove it from the first impressions.

Clear Communication: Open and clear communication is essential. Reach out to the new staff member before their first day to provide information on what to expect, including details on their schedule, dress code and any initial training requirements. A simple welcome on board email does wonders to ease first day nerves

Welcome Boxes: Consider the impact of a Welcome Box. This thoughtful gesture can include company-branded merchandise, essential materials and a personalised welcome note. It adds a personal touch, making new hires feel valued and appreciated.

Structured Training Plans: Develop comprehensive training plans that outline the learning path for each new employee. These plans should cover the first weeks or months on the job and provide a clear roadmap for skill development and role-specific training.

Mentorship and Buddy Systems: Assign mentors or buddies to new hires. These experienced team members can provide guidance, answer questions and help new staff navigate the organisation's culture and processes. The aim here is to give someone that the new employee is unafraid to ask questions of – doubts and misunderstandings can be a major cause of stress.

Continuous Feedback: Establish regular check-ins and feedback sessions to gauge the new employee's progress, address concerns and provide constructive feedback. These interactions promote open communication and reinforce a supportive environment.


The Role of Welcome Boxes:

Welcome Boxes are a creative and effective way to make new staff feel valued and excited about joining the organisation. Here's how they contribute to successful onboarding:

Personalised Touch: Including a handwritten welcome note or a personalised item in the Welcome Box demonstrates that the organisation cares about each new employee as an individual.

Branding and Identity: Welcome Boxes can feature branded company merchandise, helping new staff align with the organisation's identity and culture.

Tangible Experience: A physical Welcome Box creates a tangible connection between the new employee and the company, adding a sense of excitement and ownership.



Structured Training Plans:

Training plans are a cornerstone of effective onboarding. They provide structure and direction, ensuring that new staff acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. An effective training plan should:

Identify Key Competencies: Begin by identifying the key competencies and skills required for the new role. This forms the basis for the training plan and was likely done at the start of the recruitment process

Sequential Learning: Outline a sequential learning path that covers essential skills and knowledge, gradually progressing to more complex tasks and responsibilities. This is not just a list of items to be covered but should have timeframes and objectives established.

Resource Allocation: Identify the training resources required, whether they be in the form of materials, mentorship or training courses.

Assessment and Feedback: Incorporate assessments and regular feedback sessions into the plan to gauge the new employee's progress and address any areas of concern.

Flexibility: Ensure that the training plan is flexible and can adapt to the individual needs and pace of each new staff member. It may also need to adapt to the needs of the business and work-load.


Effective onboarding is a crucial investment in the long-term success and retention of new staff members. Incorporating Welcome Boxes and structured training plans into your onboarding process can significantly enhance the experience for new employees. By following best practices and creating a welcoming, informative and supportive environment, you not only help new staff acclimate quickly but also set the stage for a positive and productive journey within your organisation.



By: Georgina Trias