Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my login details?
If your training provider is supplying your materials as PDI eBooks, your login details will be sent to your email address. Forgotten your password? Go to app.kortext.com/login, enter your email address and click on ‘Forgotten password?’ where you will be emailed a password reset link. If you are still unable to locate your login details, please email orders@pdi.co.uk
What devices and Internet browsers can I use?
To get the most out of your learning experience use Kortext online eReader. Kortext is optimized for Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Kortext apps are available from Google Play Store, IOS App Store, Windows App Store or get the Mac app. Click here to download our Kortext App System Requirements document. (Amazon Kindle is not supported at this time)
You can log in to the Kortext app on a number of devices but this has been limited by the training course provider
Please note: Download speed will depend on the file size and your internet connection speed.
Can I print, copy and paste pages of my PDI eBook?
Kortext allows you to print pages from the eBooks via the online reader, however the amount is restricted by the publisher copyright. A printed copy of materials can be requested from your training provider, but there may be a cost. You can also copy and paste sections that are part of the same copyright.
How do I redeem an access code?
An access code is a single-use code to access your PDI eBbook(s).
To redeem an access code and receive your eBook(s)
- 'Sign in' or 'Create account'.
- Click the options icon (vertical ellipsis) and select 'Redeem access code'.
- Input the single-use code in the text field.
Can I read my own PDF content using the Kortext platform?
You can! Just make sure you have the app downloaded.
All you have to do is choose to open your PDF file in the Kortext Reader and once it's downloaded, you'll be able to personalise your content using all our study tools.
Can I save my freehand drawings in the APP?
The Apps provide the ability to use freehand drawing tools. To see where these are stored, exit the book to the book shelf. Click the options icon (vertical ellipsis) and select 'Notebooks'
Is there any information on using the Kortext eReader?
Yes – there are a series of videos at https://www.kortext.com/support-and-accessibility/ these take you through the functions of the online reader and Apps
Still have a question?
If you still experiencing difficulties or just want to know how to get the best from your PDI eBook - then contact us at enquiries@pdi.co.uk